Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nathan and Joseph

Nathan was born at 9:19 am on February 26, 2010.
7 pounds 3 oz
20 inches

Shane and I got up early that morning and headed to the hospital to have labor induced. We were off to a fine start around 6 am. We did the usual turn up the pitocin and wait. About 8:45 my water broke and what seemed like one minute later I felt the urge to push. My doctor hadn't arrived, so the nurse instructed me to not push. I was really distraught at this point because the urge to push was overwhelming. After what seemed like an eternity, my doctor arrived and we began the push process. Push #1 was only successful with me letting out a crazy person scream, but no baby. My doctor looked me in the eye and said, "You're going to have a baby on this push, so when I tell you grab the handles, push, and don't make noise this time." I listened and Nathan arrived on push #2.

Joseph is warming up to the idea of having a baby brother. When he decides that he wants the baby he runs up to him and says, "Mine!" Luckily he has not tried to carry him around the house. He was tender with a baby doll at nursery on Sunday and carried it around the whole time. He seems to think that he can carry Nathan around the same way and is rather annoyed that Mommy and Daddy won't let him.

This is Joseph pointing out his little brother's features. Who would have thought that everyone has a nose, ears, and eyes?

This is Nathan about three hours after he was born and what he looks like for most of the day. If only I could convince him that he should take up this sleep routine when its dark outside and open his eyes when its light.

After some coaxing he decided that he likes the heat lamps.

Nathan was not the biggest fan of the heat lamp. The little wire attached to his tummy was a heat sensor that told the lamp when to turn off, indicating that he was 'done'.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is so precious! And I love the name.. Alan and I considered that name for awhile. I'm glad that Joseph is doing well with Nathan! That must make it alot easier at home.
I hear that labor is easier the 2nd time around.. well, the pushing part anyways!
Glad that he is here! Can't wait to meet him.