Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ward Christmas Party

Nathan did not want to see Santa or get his candy bag. He may be a little braver next year.
I think Joseph was completely amazed that Santa came to our party. I tend to believe that he thought all this talk of Santa was just a fun story we shared with him and that Santa's not a real guy. He is the definite proof that Santa came to our ward party. Joseph's expression says that he's not too sure about this bearded guy.
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Decorating the Tree

Joseph is becoming quite the little Christmas fan. He loves talking about Santa coming to our house and says that Santa will bring him a train and dinosaurs.

Shane loves to have a live tree. We haven't had much luck in trekking into the wilderness to find a tree the last few years. This year we went to our friendly neighborhood Lowes and picked this beautiful Noble Fir. It smells wonderful and is a lovely shade of green.

This is also the first year that Joseph was excited about decorating the tree. He put on a few ornaments then turned the work of hanging ornaments over to me end enjoyed being the ornament delivery boy instead.

 Nathan tried his best to be helpful and was more interested in getting the boxes than decorating the tree.  So far he hasn't displayed much interest in the tree.

This is what happens when a little boy finds a Hershey Kiss.
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