Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Grandma is Born Today

David Copperfield begins with the simple sentence, "I am born."  This is an obvious start to anyones existence because its the only way to make our way into this life.  In modern times we have come to registering our births so that not only do our mother's remember the day we were born but also every government, civil, and health agency in the land.  This mainly proves that the registered person is in fact a citizen of the United States and not a citizen of Gondowanland trying to pose as a citizen of the United States.  

The importance of this entry is that my grandma is officially born today.  She began trying to register her birth in 1964.  She was not born in 1964, but began the process of registering her birth at that time.  When she was born mother's were not required to register the births of their children.  The family moved shortly after her birth from Arizona to New Mexico, so registering her birth in Arizona never happened.  Despite extensive documentation she was told that she did not have the right kind of proof of where and when she was born.  One would think that a testimonial of someone present at her birth would be enough proof.  Alas, it was not for the birth offices of 1964.  She periodically tried to register her birth after that time and was continuously denied.  Two years ago, prior to going on a cruise, she began the process again thinking that she would need a birth certificate to get a passport.  Come to find out that a birth certificate is not requisite to getting a passport. Apparently other countries don't care so much where the tourists were born as where they call home.   

After 45 years of trying and several denial letters she received her birth certificate in the mail.  On paper she is officially born today.

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